Welcome to AuSable River Country
Burtons Landing
2 1/2 Hours
8 Miles
All prices are per watercraft
1-4 Canoes $30
4+ Canoes $26
Single kayak $24
Tandem kayak $32
Saturdays in July and August
And Holiday Weekends
Includes July 3-4-5-6
Canoe $32
Single kayak $26
Double kayak $34
Sunday – Friday open 8:30 am
Saturdays open 8:00 am
Latest departure 2:45 pm
Last Pick-up 5:30
Please plan your trip accordingly.
Best time to start your trip is within first hour of opening
2 1/2 hours is based on easy paddling time.
You may take longer for the trip (no additional charge) if you would like to stop swim, fish or picnic.
We will set an approximate pick-up time before you leave and you can always call while on the river to adjust as needed.
Stephan Landing
4 Hours
13 Miles
All prices are per watercraft
1-4 Canoes $34
4+ Canoes $30
Single kayak $28
Tandem kayak $34
Saturdays in July and August
And Holiday Weekends
Includes July 3-4-5-6
Canoe $40
Single kayak $30
Double kayak $42
Sunday – Friday open 8:30 am
Saturdays open 8:00 am
Latest departure 11:30 pm
Last Pick-up 5:30
Please plan your trip accordingly.
Best time to start your trip is within first hour of opening
4 hours is based on easy paddling time.
You may take longer for the trip (no additional charge) if you would like to stop swim, fish or picnic.
We will set an approximate pick-up time before you leave and you can always call while on the river to adjust as needed.
Long Trip
Wakeley Landing
18 Miles
5 1/2 Hours
All prices are per watercraft
1-4 Canoes $44
4+ Canoes $38
Single kayak $35
Tandem kayak $45
Saturdays in July and August
And Holiday Weekends
Includes July 3-4-5-6
N/A Not Available
Sunday – Friday open 8:30 am
Saturdays open 8:00 am
Latest departure 10:30 pm
Last Pick-up 5:30
Please plan your trip accordingly.
Best time to start your trip is within first hour of opening
4 hours is based on easy paddling time.
You may take longer for the trip (no additional charge) if you would like to stop swim, fish or picnic.
We will set an approximate pick-up time before you leave and you can always call while on the river to adjust as needed.